Lightstream Studio

Create more impactful live streams

Go live in minutes with a complete creative suite right in your browser and powered by the cloud.

Stream to your favorite platforms
Stream to Twitch
Stream to Facebook
Stream to YouTube

Tell your story, your way.


Cloud capture for console streams

Personalize Xbox, PlayStation, and mobile game streams to Twitch without a capture card or high-end PC. Stand out with branded overlays. Engage your audience with alerts and interactive widgets.

Learn more about console streaming ➞

Drag-n-drop editor allows for unlimited projects


Full layout and design control

Need more creative control? Use Lightstream’s original scene-based Studio to create multiple layouts and switch between them. Connect and mix RTMP feeds. Auto go live and disconnect protection are great for IRL mobile streams. Learn more →

"Lightstream is literally one of the greatest things I’ve ever discovered. Thank you so much for making it so easy."
"Love this platform! Love how they listen to their community."
Rainmaker White logo

Data-driven tools to engage and grow your community

For streamers: Be data-driven with your content and growth. Apply for game keys and build relationships with leading game publishers and industry marketing professionals. Engage and grow your community with overlays, alerts, chatbot, tipping, and more.

For brandsTake more precise control over your gaming influencer marketing. Industry-wide data, discovery, and campaigns with automated reporting.

Lightstream Studio is powered by Building your own live streaming product or feature? Need to programmatically produce live video? Our proprietary video engine was built with external developers in mind. 
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