IRL Without Limits

Upgrade to a Creator plan to take advantage of these powerful features.

Lightstream Studio IRL stream using cloud graphics

How it works

Easily add RTMP sources to receive remote live feeds and set a destination channel.

Personalize your stream with images, alerts, and multiple scenes with different layouts.

Lightstream automatically composites all of your layers whenever you go live.

Use your mobile phone to switch scenes and start/stop your stream.

Overlays & alerts

Personalize and brand your stream via any web browser. Engage your audience with follower alerts and other dynamic web content. Lightstream Studio supports most popular alerts services so you can choose whichever you prefer or multiple.

Disconnect protection with auto BRB

Don’t lose your audience when you lose signal. Cloud streaming keeps your channel live with a message for your audience until you regain connection. Set an image behind your live feed to let your audience know what’s going on.

Remote control

Start, stop, and switch scenes on any mobile device. Create Starting Soon, BRB, and alternate layouts for your stream and switch on the fly while out streaming.

Login to Lightstream or visit on any mobile device.

Remote directing an IRL stream from a mobile phone
Easily add remote guest cameras to your stream.

Mix multiple sources

Easily setup RTMP feeds in your project with no technical knowledge. Lightstream can accept feeds from multiple remote locations and mix them together into one stream.

Stream without a computer

Stay mobile with headless mode. Go live without Lightstream Studio open. Our cloud automatically composites your overlays, alerts and more.

Auto Go Live

Projects can be set to automatically start streaming to your channel as soon as Lightstream starts receiving your video feed wherever you are.

Take your IRL streams to the next level

Upgrade to the Creator plan to take advantage of these unique new features.

All plans include
  • Cloud sync and storage
  • Unlimited streaming hours*
  • Live chat support


Console streams with overlays and alerts
$ 7 720p 30FPS max resolution
$11/mo720p 60FPS max resolution
$14/mo1080p 30FPS max resolution
  • Gamer Projects
    Cloud-based console capture for Xbox & PlayStation to Twitch.


Powerful live streaming from your browser
$ 20 720p 30FPS max resolution
$25/mo720p 60FPS max resolution
$40/mo1080p 30FPS max resolution
  • Gamer & Creator Projects
    Access to both projects. Add RTMP sources and invite up to 7 guests.