Part-Time Streaming 101

If you’re a part time content creator and you’re struggling to manage your time, that doesn’t mean you’re a failure, you might just need to change your tactics. One of the most important aspects of being a part-time content creator is setting realistic expectations. If you are working another job or have other obligations outside […]

Variety content as a form of self-expression: iHasCupquake

You’ll often hear that variety content can hinder your growth, but it can do the opposite for you if you take the right approach. If you’re interested in becoming a creator or feeling stuck or tied to one game or content format, give yourself space to explore! In this video created specially for the Lightstream […]

How to handle Burnout as a Content Creator: MissesMae

Burnout comes for us all, but how do we handle it when it happens? What steps can help prevent it? How can you acknowledge your burnout and make practical decisions to overcome it? Is it okay to take a break when I have all these projects and brands waiting on me? We’re all guilty of prioritizing […]