Variety content as a form of self-expression: iHasCupquake

You’ll often hear that variety content can hinder your growth, but it can do the opposite for you if you take the right approach. If you’re interested in becoming a creator or feeling stuck or tied to one game or content format, give yourself space to explore! In this video created specially for the Lightstream […]

Social Media 101

You already know what social media is so let’s skip that bit and begin with why it’s so important to use it as a content creator. Social media can be viewed as a way to engage with your audience, disseminate more of your content, & funnel your audience to your other content or community spaces. […]

How to Make Money Streaming from Twitch

You may have heard that popular streamers can make some decent money live streaming on Twitch. Getting started in streaming can be a great way to start earning a bit of extra money in your free time while doing something you love. *All information, numbers, and requirements are correct at time of publishing. Table of […]

Stream Checklist – 5 Things to Do Before Going Live

When it comes to creating content on Twitch, experienced streamers will tell you that the job doesn’t start when you click the “Go Live” button. In fact, many successful streamers will often spend the same amount of time planning and preparing for each stream that they do actually broadcasting. This post will cover 5 things […]