Variety content as a form of self-expression: iHasCupquake

You’ll often hear that variety content can hinder your growth, but it can do the opposite for you if you take the right approach. If you’re interested in becoming a creator or feeling stuck or tied to one game or content format, give yourself space to explore! In this video created specially for the Lightstream […]

Social Media 101

You already know what social media is so let’s skip that bit and begin with why it’s so important to use it as a content creator. Social media can be viewed as a way to engage with your audience, disseminate more of your content, & funnel your audience to your other content or community spaces. […]

Audience Interaction 101

Being a content creator isn’t just about creating content – it’s also about building & interacting with your audience. Whether or not your content is real-time (like live streaming) or not, you engage your audience through comments/replies on social media, interacting in community spaces like Discord or Reddit, & more. For live streamers, connecting with […]

Creator Branding 101

The concept of branding can be a little daunting but we’ve put together a guide on the basics for you! Whether you’re preparing for your streaming debut or rebranding – we’re here to help! Table of Contents What is Branding as a Content Creator? Think of content creator branding as two segments that make up […]

Lightstream Launches Console Simulcasting

Since Lightstream was acquired by Xsolla, we’ve had a few questions about what this means for you, as a Lightstream user. To put it simply, the acquisition helps the team at Lightstream update our product and get to work on the features you’ve been asking for. We’re super excited to share that you can now […]