Infiniscene Will Remain Free

Pricing is one of the great challenges of building a product. On one hand, you want everyone to benefit from the incredible thing you are building and for it to have as much of an impact as possible.

Year in Review: 2016

2016 was a powerful year. Thousands of moments, both negative and positive, that had such an incredible impact on our team and each of us as individuals.

The Casual Holiday Giveaway

Here’s the deal. From today (December 12th) to January 9th, we’ll be giving away three Casual Streamer shirts per week. To enter each week, you have to stream using Infiniscene for at least one hour.

Best of Black Friday

It may be Thanksgiving but don’t let Turkey Day fool you, the sales are already underway. To help you out we’ve rounded up some of the best deals on everything a gamer could want to grab over the next few days.

Powering Up

Today, we’re finally rolling out our new and improved version 2 of our client. We’re beyond excited to share this with you all as it’s been a long time in the making with it’s fair share of late nights, long weekends, and many testing sessions.